Urban Wine Walk - Auckland - 3 May - Get your ticket HERE!

NZMusicHelps (Charity Donation)


NZMusicHelps (Charity Donation)

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Regular price $25.00

The New Zealand's music industry needs our help to support New Zealanders in need.  

MusicHelps, is a unique charity dedicated to changing lives through music.

The charity uses the power of music to change the lives of people experiencing hardship and illness. Initiatives include financial assistance, healthcare programs and music-based community projects.

Any dontation is much appreciated by MusicHelps Charity, thank you.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jason Donnelly
Framingham NZ Music Helps

I love the fact that Framingham support NZ music. This draws me to want to support the winery (the great wines help as well). Being very passionate about music and NZ music (and attending lots of gigs), I love the fact that the winery give back to help musicians. Keep up the great work and the great wines.